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Namaz, also known as Salat, is one of the five pillars of Islam, which are the fundamental practices that every Muslim is obligated to follow. Namaz is a formal, structured prayer that is performed five times a day by Muslims all over the world.

The five daily prayers are:

  1. Fajr: The pre-dawn prayer, which is performed before sunrise.

  2. Dhuhr: The midday prayer, which is performed after the sun has passed its zenith and before the start of Asr.

  3. Asr: The afternoon prayer, which is performed in the late afternoon, usually between 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM.

  4. Maghrib: The evening prayer, which is performed just after sunset.

  5. Isha: The night prayer, which is performed after the twilight has disappeared, usually between 8:00 PM and midnight.

Each prayer consists of a specific number of units called rak'ahs, and involves a specific set of actions and recitations, including standing, bowing, prostrating, and reciting verses from the Quran.

Namaz is considered a form of worship and a way of demonstrating submission and obedience to Allah. It is also believed to have numerous spiritual and physical benefits, including increased focus, discipline, and spiritual connection with God.


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